“Tell me, Peaches, are you a parking ticket?” I want to both laugh and cry because of ridiculous that was.😂 And there’s more. “Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.” His question caught me so off guard that my thoughts cleared.

Knowing Luc, I had no idea where this was heading. One that I really need you to think long and hard about. “But first, I have an important question for you. Luc’s stupid and cheesy jokes, his arrogance, selflessness, his love for Evie (& others). I hate it when Luc says he’s not worthy of Evie-if anything I’d say nobody is worthy of him.😤 this is gonna end up being a Luc appreciation review They made him think there’s something wrong with him, but NO THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU, LUC!!!😭😭😭 Everyone loves you, even Daemon and Hunter altho they’d never admit it Luc thinking himself to be a emotionless monster AND THE DAEDULUS DID THIS TO HIM. There’s SO MUCH more to Luc than what we’ve seen in the previous books and omg oh no im abt to start tearing up again MY HEART BREAKS FOR HIM😭💔 I don’t know about you guys, but I just loved delving deeper into Luc’s character. Why do I feel like bawling my eyes out?!?! Why does this hurt so much?!?! Just why?!?! WHY?!?!😭😩 totally not crying rnĪghhhh I have too many feelings to put into words, but this was seriously just amazing.🥰🥺 Although the plot didn’t really advance from The Burning Shadow, this book was definitely character-driven. “And I fell even more in love with you when you walked through the doors of Foretoken. I loved you before I even knew what that meant, and I loved you even when you were gone, and I loved you when you became someone else,” he said- pleaded, really.

I fell in love with you within the first week I met you. So that’s what The Brightest Night is.👀Īnd I didn’t even think it was possible to love Luc more than I already do but it is?!?!😭💖 “If you do, I will take everything from you.”