Chord by Chelsea M. Cameron
Chord by Chelsea M. Cameron

Chord by Chelsea M. Cameron Chord by Chelsea M. Cameron

I actually really appreciated this, it’s really rare to see girls masturbate in literature at all and I’m down for Breaking The Double Standard. This book is solidly in that NA / YA transitional gap that I’ve seen a lot recently, so there is sex and a few scenes featuring masturbation.

Chord by Chelsea M. Cameron

I kept forgetting that she was so new to this. “Aren’t there any? I never really noticed.” Oh, sweet gayby. “There are never enough shows with lesbians,” I said. The writing is a lot more quality than in Stella and Kyle’s best friends become friends too and they’re both basically angels and I love them. I honestly don’t have a ton to say about this novella other than it was a really cute and easy read, but I will say a few random thoughts I had in my brain! First of all, I loved the supportive friendships and subversion of girl hate. Because girls are beautiful and pretty and why wouldn’t you want them? Took me a little while to realize that wasn’t the case.” “I think I just assumed everyone looked at girls that way. I feel like so many reads focus too much on this and unintentionally turn great romances into stories about The Struggle Of Being Gay, but I also desperately need more realistic coming out stories. But I love that this book a) does the coming out scenes in a way that feels authentic to the characters and the situation of coming out, b) avoids violently outing anyone and c) doesn’t make coming out the focus of the book. I feel like a lot of stories about queer girls like this might’ve been full-out angst over how to come out, and that can be really well done, don’t get me wrong. The thing that stood out to me about this book, in hindsight, was probably the lack of coming out angst. ➽Kyle – a glasses-wearing cute nerd who I also love

Chord by Chelsea M. Cameron

➽Stella – a popular girl who puts on bitch act and my favorite character This is the cutest and fluffiest popular-girl-falls-in-love-with-nerd-girl thing I’ve ever read or ever will read.

Chord by Chelsea M. Cameron