الصوت روح by Huda Aweys
الصوت روح by Huda Aweys

الصوت روح by Huda Aweys

When I finished this novel, I wondered: Am I really alive? while on the other side, the so called "invalid people" are just waiting impatiently to have a merciful death, and to leave a mark by which they'll be remembered after they're gone. It's really weird, isn't it? That we - so called normal people - are looking forward to live longer, enjoy life, achieve more in our times, marry beautiful girls, have smart kids and stash more money.

الصوت روح by Huda Aweys الصوت روح by Huda Aweys

There are so many people, in this world, suffering in silence with only one single hope that, someday, death would pay them a visit! How hard it is when people look at you and you see in their eyes that you are nothing but a poor little shadow walking desperately towards its death. “That’s what bothers me most, is being another unremembered casualty in the ancient and inglorious war against disease.

الصوت روح by Huda Aweys